my first CMB online shopping experience
While all banks denied my credit card application, China Merchants Bank (CMB, hereafter) accepted me and granted me a large line of credit, much larger than I ever expected. Wow! It’s much appreciated and hence I make the CMB my first and only choice in credit card (so far).
Almost everything with the CMB and its credit card is perfect, but the CMB internet banking. The CMB internet banking follows Microsoft’s ActiveX instead of W3C international standard, and consequently I can only use M$ Internet Explorer to login my online banking. As a Macer, I have to experience inconvenience in switching between different OS. The CMB doesn’t want to change for me. What a shame!
Okay, let’s leave the background there and go to the story. I intended to buy a mobile storage, or portable hard-disk in other words, and targeted several brands and products, like UNIS, Maxtor, BenQ and Aigo. The a product of UNIS drew the most attention of me, which has a 80G storage charging only RMB 5xx. It looks like a bargain, doesn’t it?
hakuna matata
Hakuna matata is a Swahili phrase that is literally translated as “T[……]
如何在 WordPress 里插入图片?
本文的主要目的是帮助 JJ 解决在 WordPress(WP, hereafter) 环境下在 post 里面显示图片的问题。如果顺便能够帮助更多的人我会很开心。
目标:了解在 WP 环境下,在 post 或者 page 里面添加和编辑图片的方法。
1. 准备》
1.1 进入 WP 管理界面,在 Welcome 面板中选择 Write a post 或者在工具栏中选择 Write 》Write Post 写新文章(如果是想在 page 中插入图片,此处 选择 Write 》Write Page);如果是对已经存在的 post 或 page 进行编辑,在工具栏中选择 Manage 》Posts / Pages,然后在你将编辑的对象的右侧单击 Edit 进行编辑;
Write a post @ Dashboard
manage existing post or page @ Manage
to be continued
I met Chou this noon, second time this year. We had lunch together, along with his big boss and tw[……]
从 Google Apps* 刚出来的时候我就注册过,但总是不被接受。在看过很多前辈的经验之后,我前天卷土重来,结果一次就通过。方法很简单,就是善意地欺骗一下 Google, 把地点选成美国就行了;如果你在现在使用什么样的电子邮件软件一栏写 Windows Live Domain 似乎也能够通过 😛 其实你不用因为不诚实而心有不安,因为这明显是 Google 在放水。